Ettrick Rod and Gun


Located at W11934 Whalen Rd in Ettrick, Wisconsin, we have a 225 yard rifle range, two trap houses, a banquet hall with dance floor, bar, and DJ stage, covered outdoor space, and a club house for the trap club.


Memberships can be purchased at Weiners Bar in downtown Ettrick WI, or by contacting Ernie Komperud Jr. at 608-525-3104.

Membership fee is $15 per year, valid from January 1st to December 31st.

Lifetime memberships are available for $150, contact Ernie Komperud Jr. for more information.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, March 10th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Hunter Safety Education

Monday, March 24th through Saturday March 29th

The week of March 24th the Ettrick Rod & Gun Club will be hosting a Hunter Safety Education class.

Classes will be held during the following times:
Monday March 24th 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Tuesday March 25th 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Thursday March 26th 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Friday March 28th 6:00PM to 8:30PM
Field day will be Saturday March 29th from 8:30AM to 1:00PM

To register for this class visit GoWild.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

The range will be closed to the public an hour prior to class time.

ATV Ride

Saturday April 5th

Second annual ATV ride.

Score cards are $20 each, paid when turned in at the Ettrick Rod & Gun Club

Score cards MUST be turned in prior to 5:30 PM.

Drawing for prizes and money at 6:00 PM

Participating venues are:
Beaver Creek Supper Club
Block House
Boondocks Locker Room
Corner Pub
Mikes Bar
Newcomb Valley Inn
Tenba Ridge Winery
Tom's Bar
Wason's Supper Club
Wiener's Bar

Start anywhere you like!

Raffles include a 50/50, fireworks, Vegas boards, and a firearm raffle.

Beer, soda, and water available for sale at the Ettrick Rod & Gun Club.

All proceeds to go towards improvements and maintenance of club grounds and facilities.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, April 14th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Concealed Carry Weapons Class

Saturday, May 10th

Freedom Firearms LLC is presenting a Concealed Carry Weapons class on Saturday May 10th.

Cost is $130, cash or check only. No credit/debit/digital payments.

Course covers WI, MN, FL, and UT requirements, resulting in training valid to gain a concealed carry permit from each of those states, which grance reciprocity across 42 states in the USA.

To sign up or ask questions call or text Jacob at 608-461-1150.

The range will be closed to the public while this class is in session

Show your interest by responding to the event on the Freedom Firearms LLC Facebook page.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, May 12th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, June 9th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

50 Bird Doubles

Friday, June 13th

The Ettrick Trap Club is hosting a 50 bird doubles event.

Yell "PULL" once, two clays let loose.

Registration open from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM

More information to come.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, July 14th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

100 Bird Shoot

Saturday, August 2nd

The Ettrick Trap Club is hosting a 100 bird event.

Food and drinks available.

Raffles to be held

Registration open from 9:00AM to 2:00PM

More information to come.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, August 11th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Andy and Stevie Komperud Youth Day

Saturday, September 6th

The annual Andie and Stevie Komperud Youth Day.

Registration at 8:00AM

More information to come.

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, September 8th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, October 13th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, November 10th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Monthly Club Meeting

Monday, December 8th

Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Join us on Facebook

Previous Events

Third Annual Legion Post 354 All American Trap Shoot

Friday, March 7th

50 bird night shoot, all from the 16 yard post
House Option and Lewis Classes
General and Youth Divisions

Registration opens at 5:00PM, closes at 8:00PM

First shots at sundown and continue until all participants have finished

Food and beverages available
Raffles to be held

Proceeds go to the Ettrick American Legion Post 354

Hosted at Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

American Legion

First Annual Keeping It Local Party

Saturday, March 1st

Doors open at 4:00 PM, dinner served at 5:30PM
250 tickets available, $60 each
Tables of 8 available for $1000
Complementary wine tasting
Attending this year secures an invite to next years event

Proceeds are to be allocated as such:
65% - Ettrick Legion Post 354 Building Fund
15% - Gale/Ettrick First Responders
10% - G.E.T. youth Trap Club
10% - Local Emergency Assistance Fund

For tickets or more information contact Ernie Komperud Jr. at 608-525-3104

Hosted at the Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

2025 Funds Allocation

Ettrick Trap Club 50 Bird

Saturday, January 25th

Signup from 9:00AM to 2:00PM
$20 signup fee
$5 house option
Food and beverages available
Shells for sale
Heated club house
Raffles to be held

Hosted at the Ettrick Rod and Gun Club

Trap Club